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We believe families are the fundamental unit of society. Strong marriages and families are crucial to provide a safe and healthy environment for children to flourish.

Missouri Family Foundation is dedicated to strengthening the family in Missouri.

Sanctity of Life

Missouri Family Foundation believes the right to life is inalienable, fundamental, and preeminent to all other rights.

  • MFF is unapologetically pro-life. Public policy should protect human life at its most vulnerable point, including those who are in the womb and those nearing the end of life.​


  • MFF is pro-baby and pro-woman. We ally with life-saving organizations that support women faced with unplanned pregnancies.


  • MFF encourages adoption. Adoption is an incredibly wonderful, life-affirming yet difficult journey. Laws should not impede adoption but should encourage, promote, and strengthen adoption programs. 

Pregnant Woman Enjoying her Drink
Happy Couple


Missouri Family Foundation believes marriage is an institution of God and a lifelong union between one biological man and one biological woman.

  • MFF advocates for strengthening marriage laws to discourage divorce and encourage marriage counseling. Keeping families together and helping parents find healing protects children.​ 


  • MFF opposes ideology and laws that make sexual behavior a protected class. Every year in Missouri and across the nation there are efforts to add sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) to the list of protected classes in non-discrimination laws. These laws are unnecessary, as no evidence of discrimination exists. Giving SOGI a special status in the law threatens religious liberty, for both churches and faith-based institutions.



Human Design and Sexuality

Missouri Family Foundation believes every person is fearfully and wonderfully made by God as part of His divine design. Each person's sex is either male or female, and their ethnic origin beautifully expresses who God created them to be.

  • MFF opposes ideology that seeks to harm or destroy God's design for individuals and for mankind.


  • MFF support principles and policies that support human flourishing and opposes any theories that sow division among people and ethnicities.


  • MFF opposes the false ideology of "transgenderism" being advanced in our schools and workplaces. "Transgenderism" seeks to answer the problem of gender dysphoria by affirming a person's gender confusion, causing more harm than good.


  • MFF supports conscience clauses for religious adoption agencies and therapists. The First Amendment rights of counseling professionals helping adults and children address their gender dysphoria must be protected.


  • MFF opposes the teaching of critical race theory in public schools. At its heart, CRT is a philosophy that views the problem of racism as a power struggle between collective groups of people and societal systems. CRT assumes the worst and judges others on the basis of color, not the content of their character. The redemptive message of the gospel is diametrically opposed to the tenets of CRT, which seeks to destroy society by pitting people against each other based on the color of their skin.


  • Missouri Family Foundation supports teaching history accurately and affirms efforts grounded in truth that seek to promote unity and forgiveness in the present and in the future.



Family on a Walk

Parental Rights

Missouri Family Foundation believes parents should direct educational, lifestyle, and healthcare choices that impact their children.

  • MFF supports parental rights. Parents are ultimately responsible for the care and well-being of their children. For decades, research in the field of social science has revealed that generally children flourish more and are safer and happier within a traditional nuclear family with a married father and mother.


  • MFF supports parental involvement in the lives of their children. Whether the issue is dealing with an unplanned teen pregnancy, sex education in school, discipline, or health decisions, parents must be informed and able to safeguard their children's well-being.


  • MFF supports the rights of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children. The right to homeschool must be protected.



Human Trafficking & Exploitation

Missouri Family Foundation believes that human trafficking and exploitation in its various forms is morally wrong. Governments have a legitimate and important role in preventing these abuses.

  • MFF supports laws against the distribution of obscenities to minors.​


  • MFF supports laws that protect minors from gaining access to online pornographic content.


  • MFF opposes sexually-orientated businesses that threaten communities.


  • MFF opposes drag queen story hours for children hosted by public libraries.


  • MFF opposes sexualized and explicit literature marketed to minors in public libraries and included in school library collections.


  • MFF opposes the sexualization of children in education and the teaching of graphic comprehensive sexuality education curriculum in schools. 


  • MFF opposes the teaching LGBT ideology in public schools.

Teacher and Kids in Library

We Need Your Support Today!

We are here to advance our shared family values in the great state of Missouri.

Executive Director: Jannique Stewart


Phone: 954-854-5419


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