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Protect Missouri Kids from Harmful Transgender Drugs and Surgery

The Missouri Help Not Harm Act helps kids struggling to embrace their

biological sex by protecting them from harmful drugs and surgery.

Transgender interventions for kids violate Hippocratic Oath: do no harm.

Giving kids puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and even transgender surgery violates the first duty of medicine: do no harm.

Cross-sex hormones are harmful. For example, a girl taking testosterone will notice a deepening voice and increased hair growth after a few months. These changes are permanent. That’s not to mention the many serious medical risks outlined in the bill itself.

Puberty blockers cause damage including the potential for decreased growth spurts,

increased risk of osteoporosis, and – combined with hormones – sterilization.

Minors cannot consent to these harmful physical interventions.

If a minor isn’t old enough to get a tattoo or buy cough syrup over the counter, why would we permit dangerous hormones and drastic surgeries for them?

Transition is not an effective form of treatment.

Surgery and drugs won’t heal a hurting heart.

In one Swedish study, as Ryan Anderson, author of When Harry Became Sally, points out, “10 to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.”

The Obama Administration found that the best studies didn’t show a significant change in patients’ psychometric well-being after surgery.

Help Not Harm Act ensures minors can access real help when needed.

The Help Not Harm Act ensures Missouri's children receive help not harm, treatment not transition, and protection not politics.

Most children outgrow dysphoria: 80 to 95 percent of children will outgrow gender dysphoria if untreated.

The Help Not Harm Act ensures that children can access real help, including basic counseling (talk therapy).

To learn more about the Help Not Harm Act visit Help-Not-Harm | Family Policy Alliance.

For questions about the Missouri Family Foundation or the Missouri Help Not Harm Act email Jannique Stewart,

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