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Marriage, One Man, One Woman, for Life

Recently, New York's eviction court ruled that polyamorous relationships are legal in a step that has won hearty applause from social progressives. Since they view marriage as an institution that should evolve with the prevailing notions of the times, they believe the courts are there to legislate on their behalf. Conservatives, therefore, are seen as those who seek to stifle the forward motion of progress.

Recall when Obergefell was handed down, the left argued that gay people only wanted the right to marry the person they loved. They claimed there was no slippery slope. Conservatives who said otherwise were simply scaremongering and did not actually care about marriage but rather loved power and hated gay people. Time has proven conservatives had the proper outlook on the historic SCOTUS ruling.

In less than ten years, marriage--as defined by the government--has been expanded from one man and one woman, to include consenting adults of the same gender, and now also more than two people, in this section of New York.

Time has also proven that the goal has never been to love and let love. Rather, those in favor of redefining marriage believe it to be a natural right and anyone who dares to speak of it as immoral is canceled and denounced for failing to uphold the orthodoxy of the secular left. Our culture has gone from merely accepting gay and polyamorous relationships to ostracizing dissidents who believe in traditional marriage, at breakneck speed.

The Missouri Family Foundation supports marriage between one man and one woman for life because this leads to the greatest flourishing for society. The decline in respect for marriage did not begin with Obergefell, however, it began with no fault divorce. Sadly, many churches have been complicit in allowing divorce to ravage families by failing to promote a biblical view of marriage, or by failing to support marriages in crisis. Numerous church leaders live as if the Bible allows for divorce for three reasons: adultery, abandonment, and my own situation. The church must be faithful to its calling of promoting and supporting lifelong, faithful marriages. Until then, the world will continue to re-invent marriage and define it however it chooses. This will not lead to healthier families, nor to a stronger society.

No doubt proponents of gay and polyamorous marriage believe defining marriage subjectively will lead to greater happiness but rebelling against the natural order of humanity will never accomplish this. Marriage, by its very nature, requires one man and one woman. This institution was given by God, and no one has the right or ability to redefine it. Progressives could sooner change the color of Mars than they could the definition of marriage. They didn't create it. It does not belong to them. They cannot change it.

The progressive vision of marriage being custom fit to the preference of the age is ultimately self-defeating because it will end up making marriage nothing more than whatever a societal stamp of approval sanctions next. True marriage cannot be twisted in such ways because if marriage is to mean anything, then it simply cannot mean everything.

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